Support for Your
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence
3 types of urinary incontinence:
Stress Incontinence refers to loss of urine during coughing, sneezing, jumping, running, or transferring from sitting to standing. As intra-abdominal pressures change due to movement or gravity dependence, the pelvic floor muscles must be able to contract, relax, and coordinate with other muscle groups to maintain continence. As many as 67% of pregnant women and 38% of postpartum women (up to 3 months) report symptoms of stress incontinence.
Urge incontinence refers to loss of urine on the way to the bathroom as the urge to urinate increases. Many times, there is an increased frequency in the need to use the bathroom as well. We can improve these symptoms with behavior modifications (“mind over bladder!”), determining your triggers, and improving your muscular control to be confident in your body and bladder no matter where you go.
Mixed Incontinence is the presence of a combination of the above symptoms and can be addressed with a collection of treatment options, finding what is specific to your symptoms, activities, and goals.
Many times we accept, “I only leak a bit, if I don’t cross my legs when I sneeze”, or “I only leak if I run more than 4 miles,” or “I only leak if I don’t pee right before I leave the house”.
We accept that incontinence is a normal part of having babies and being a woman.
It is time to change that mindset!
Pelvic Floor Therapy for Urinary Incontinence
Pelvic floor therapy has been proven on multiple accounts to be one of the most successful interventions to address incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Take a look at some of these facts:
#1: Pregnant women who participated in preventative pelvic floor physical therapy reported less urinary incontinence up to 6 months postpartum. So, this means pelvic floor therapy is beneficial during pregnancy, you do not have to wait until you have the baby to start.
#2: Women who received pelvic floor therapy for persistent incontinence at 3 months postpartum were 40% less likely to report consistent symptoms at 12 months postpartum. It can be so valuable to initiate care early in your postpartum journey if you have these symptoms. For many, waiting does not result in less symptoms, but actually worsening over time. At Gaia we are happy to start postpartum care between 2-4 weeks if necessary.
#3: The more intensive the program and greater the treatment effect. This means we must get off our backs, not be hooked up to a mindless machine while lying in a room by ourselves and kegels alone are not going to solve your incontinence. The program must include a whole-body approach which incorporates progressive hip, gluteal, and core strengthening, loading through body weight, bands, or weights. Guided, individualized, progression of difficulty and intensity of movements with consciousness of body coordination and breathing patterns is key to a successful program.
Why Choose Gaia Women’s PT to support your urinary incontinencenence
At Gaia women’s PT we take a whole-body look at what factors may be playing into your incontinence issues. These conditions can be managed very well with physical therapy which may include education on how your body can and should effectively work well, behavior changes to put your body back in charge of your bowel habits, exercises to improve a balanced muscular system, manual therapy for tense or painful tissues, organs, or muscles near the area and muscle retraining to properly control your bowel movements. Let’s find out how we can work together, please contact us today.